John Semley is an author and columnist who has written two books – Hater: On The Virtues Of Utter Disagreeability (Penguin/Random House) and This Is A Book About Kids In The Hall, a biography of the revered Canadian sketch group. His columns for various magazines and newspapers have taken on right-wing grifters, MCU movies and many other subjects that irritate him. Topics covered include the idea that criticism has hit a critical mass, that social media is not going well at all, and many other other interesting observations in this fun back-and-forth. He’s written for The Believer, Salon, The Baffler, Maclean's, The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Eater, SHARP Magazine, The AV Club, The Walrus, The Literary Review of Canada, The Toronto Star, and The Globe & Mail. Follow John on twitter at,
Write NFW [email protected]

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