In this episode, Christine Kreisher casts a compelling vision for why our key concern for volunteers should be retaining them, not just recruiting them. This crucial shift in mindset is the focus of the final part of a six-session series from an online event called Volunteer Bootcamp, hosted by Ministry Boost. Christine Kreisher Connect with […]

In this episode, Christine Kreisher casts a compelling vision for why our key concern for volunteers should be retaining them, not just recruiting them. This crucial shift in mindset is the focus of the final part of a six-session series from an online event called Volunteer Bootcamp, hosted by Ministry Boost.

Christine Kreisher

Connect with Christine on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Volunteer Bootcamp

Get access to the full Volunteer Bootcamp sessions and notes here.

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Volunteer Bootcamp Webinar

Ideas for Retaining Volunteers

Intentional Approach to Retaining

We cannot do it all – for every 8-10 volunteers, there needs to be someone that sees people and cares for their spiritual growth
Identify one person who can own and champion the “connection” aspect for volunteers

Do not underestimate the importance of one-on-one connection

Resource: Coach job descriptions
Resource: What Floats Your Boat?

Flattery falls flat; make it your goal to praise volunteers and celebrate them well

How do you measure whether or not volunteers are enjoying themselves and feeling connected?

Showing up on time (especially for huddles)

Create a WIN statement for huddles:  “A huddle is a 7-10 min focused, high-energy,  mini pep rally to cast vision for the day, build team morale, communicate any last-minute changes and pray for the day.”
Team Building time
Share life-change

Having a voice

Give opportunities for feedback/input; let them know they are heard, and then help them understand the vision behind why you do what you do

“Approaching our volunteer processes and culture with excellence, focusing on recruiting, onboarding, encouraging, training, and empowering, inevitably leads to a retention of those volunteers.”

Action Items

Get the book
Track your retainment
Meet with every volunteer

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