In this episode, we chat with Keturah Boston about ministry to families both online and in-person after her church pivoted for almost two years before regathering after the pandemic. Keturah has years of experience within family ministry and has helped develop a diverse approach to partnering with parents and focusing on getting them back to […]

In this episode, we chat with Keturah Boston about ministry to families both online and in-person after her church pivoted for almost two years before regathering after the pandemic. Keturah has years of experience within family ministry and has helped develop a diverse approach to partnering with parents and focusing on getting them back to church.

Keturah Boston

Connect with Keturah on Facebook | InstagramEmail


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Episode Notes

Quote: “Don’t just manage what God intends to multiply.”

Digital Discipleship for kids and families:

Heavily reliant upon the parents
Used online curriculum
Short intro and a short outro
Held discipleship loosely
After stopping Zoom calls, got more intentional about engaging parents through social media
Just wanted to be “helpful” to families, so they created a landing place for families to have other options for kids who were still home
Social justice landing page for parents to know how to talk with kids

Partnering with Parents:

It’s all about them “coming back”
Welcome and interactions
Interactions must be intentional
Every time you see a face you recognize, saying “welcome back”
Engaging with questions, asking how long they’ve been at church and what their kids are liking about church
Parent Engagement Nights
Have student leaders help with events for kids
Have parents connect with the entire family ministry… not just their kids’ age groups
Relationships first… measure that!

Action Items

Make your online personal – somehow
Racial Injustice page
Events for parents and diversity of households

Ministry Boost Coaching is back!

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Multiply Ministry Conference – All-Access Pass

Click here to get the All-Access Pass to get access to the Multiply Ministry Conference replays of every main session and breakout. Over 30 sessions of content about empowering volunteers.

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Special Sponsor: Clearstream

This episode is sponsored by Clearstream. works with thousands of churches worldwide and integrates with tools your church already uses such as MailChimp, Church Community Builder, Rock RMS, Planning Center, and more. You can get started on a free-trial, and if you're with a new church plant under 1 year old can use Clearstream free for 12 months.