In this episode, Mike Clear shares some of his experiences moving from working within family ministry roles to serving family ministries through Orange and the Rethink Group. He also explains more about the heart and strategy behind some of the world's leading Kidmin curriculum and how it is being utilized in churches. Mike Clear Connect […]

In this episode, Mike Clear shares some of his experiences moving from working within family ministry roles to serving family ministries through Orange and the Rethink Group. He also explains more about the heart and strategy behind some of the world's leading Kidmin curriculum and how it is being utilized in churches.

Mike Clear

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Thoughts after moving from church leadership roles to volunteering:

Getting to choose a church based on the focus on the community and kidmin
Enjoyable to serve because you want to instead of having to
Consider the lives and rhythms of your volunteer force
High-bar / High-grace

What is Orange all about?

PHASE appropriate curriculum

First Look
252 Kids

Weekly Bottom Lines – phrases to remember and prompt conversation

252 Preteen

Weekly Questions – questions to prompt dialogue and ownership
Preteens want to know if it's a safe space to ask questions

What are some best practices for implementing curriculum?

Speaking of Orange Curriculum, they have attempted to be accomodating and provide options for churches/ministries of every size
PLEASE call your Orange Specialists
Don't ever use a curriculum “as is”

Edit for contextualized culture in your community and in your church
You know your kids better than curriculum writers, but you shouldn't have to hire someone to write

Is Orange Curriculum too moralistic??

For kids in elementary age, they need to get to know Jesus
Life Apps are opportunities for kids to see how the Bible truly applies to their lives

what God is doing “in you” to help change you and the world around you

It's not just a curriculum, it's a strategy

if you highly value groups, this strategy will support you
if you do not value the strategy, the curriculum will be difficult to implement

Action Items

Try out the preteen curriculum – see the YT show
Listen to Orange Kids podcast
Listen to Ear Biscuits podcast on denouncing faith

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