In this episode, Tony Myles sheds light on youth ministry from the unique perspective of a pastor. After sitting in both the Youth Pastor and Lead Pastor role, he brings an understanding of how each can complement and strengthen the ministry of the other. Tony Myles Connect with Tony on his website, Facebook, and Twitter. […]

In this episode, Tony Myles sheds light on youth ministry from the unique perspective of a pastor. After sitting in both the Youth Pastor and Lead Pastor role, he brings an understanding of how each can complement and strengthen the ministry of the other.

Tony Myles

Connect with Tony on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.

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Senior Pastor talks about Youth Ministry: Big Takeaways

Why the focus of the book:

Prideful as a young leader
Felt a draw toward more than just Youth ministry after having been challenged with pride
Lessons from Nehemiah:

Focus on your own relationship with God
Have a relationship with your church
Then, you can step into ministry

Unique Perspective from Senior Pastor

Pastors just want Youth Pastors “to do their job”
Youth Pastors want entitlements but not all the responsibility
Question: are you here because you want to say something, or because you have something to say?

Immaturity in regard to students, but sincere maturity with regard to senior leadership and church staff

Alpha personality vs. Beta personality
Different work schedule… being around the office and present

Student Leadership

“The Squad” is a model where you take students and ask for their feedback on what student is like and how to improve it
You don't have to use the word “Leadership”
Create a safe space for them to grow and be challenged and build community
From this, allow them to start owning the ministry and the tasks that fit their strengths
“That sounds like that would really bless you guys. Who else do you think that would bless?”

Today's Youth Ministry Culture

Create unique experiences
Be personal
Make sure it's working for the community you are in

Action Items

Get the “If, What If” book
Get students together for convos (Squad origin)
The Miracles of Jesus devo with students

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