In this episode, I talk about Nina Schmidgall about volunteer recruitment and she walks us through some best practices for beginning to shape volunteer culture before people even start serving. This is the first part of a six-session series from an online event called Volunteer Bootcamp, hosted by Ministry Boost. Nina Schmidgall Connect with Nina […]

In this episode, I talk about Nina Schmidgall about volunteer recruitment and she walks us through some best practices for beginning to shape volunteer culture before people even start serving. This is the first part of a six-session series from an online event called Volunteer Bootcamp, hosted by Ministry Boost.

Nina Schmidgall

Connect with Nina on Instagram, and Twitter.

Volunteer Bootcamp

Get access to the full Volunteer Bootcamp sessions and notes here.

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Volunteer Bootcamp Webinar

Recruitment 101

recruit to VISION, not to NEED

tell the stories
have an “elevator pitch”
give good verbiage to those leading the conversation of recruiting

direct ask (bold friendliness)
reduce barriers to serve
when recruiting, do not leave the ball in their court; always get their email for follow up
eliminate the word “only” from verbiage (Ex: “it’s only one service”)
spend time evaluating and determine your “currency”

investment and leadership
fun and celebration

“When you are calling people to something great, it will take a level of investment.”


Action Items

Increase commitment
Meet with potential volunteers
Get Playbook course

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