In this episode, Dr. Kara Powell gives some insights into the rising conversation about parents growing with their teenagers in regard to their faith. Through her experience at the Fuller Youth Institute, many years in local church ministry, and personally as a parent of teenagers, Kara shares both strategic and practical ways to begin partnering […]

In this episode, Dr. Kara Powell gives some insights into the rising conversation about parents growing with their teenagers in regard to their faith. Through her experience at the Fuller Youth Institute, many years in local church ministry, and personally as a parent of teenagers, Kara shares both strategic and practical ways to begin partnering with parents of the next generation.

Dr. Kara Powell

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Links Mentioned in this Episode

Fuller Youth Institute

Growing Young book

Growing Young assessment

Growing With book

Three Age Categories for Teenagers/Young Adults (but hold them loosely)

Learners – 13-18-year-olds

Experiencing rapid growth in numerous areas and newness in relationships and faith

Explorers – 18-23-year-olds

Excited about the future but unsure about themselves

Focusers – 23-29-year-olds

Adopting a clearer sense of self

Three Parenting Stages for these Categories

Learner – needs a parent who is a TEACHER

Hands-on parenting focused on self-reflection, self-discipline, and collaboration

Explorer – parent transitions from a teacher to a GUIDE

Figuring out when your teenager needs guidance and when “they've got it”

Focuser – parents become RESOUCERS

Growing With VERBS

WITHing – parents are urged to be “a wall” that kids can return to when they are ready (swimming analogy)
FAITHing – owning and embodying our journeys with God as we encounter new experiences and information
ADULTing – our child's growth in agency as they embrace opportunities to shape the world around them

Action Items

Read Growing With
Resources from Growing With book
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