In this episode, Jeff Henderson shares his journey of answering these two pivotal questions for any organization: What do you want to be known for and What are you known for? I also ask Jeff some specific questions about how to practically implement a strategy for being FOR your community and having a FOR-mentality in […]

In this episode, Jeff Henderson shares his journey of answering these two pivotal questions for any organization: What do you want to be known for and What are you known for? I also ask Jeff some specific questions about how to practically implement a strategy for being FOR your community and having a FOR-mentality in your church or organization.

Jeff Henderson

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Links Mentioned in this Episode

Know What You're FOR Book

Examples on how to be FOR your community:

Connect with the business community

FOR [your community] Friday, featuring a local business
No strings attached

Partner with local ministries and nonprofits
As churches, create amazing services for your community

Important questions to ask in being FOR your community:

How do you leverage social media to be for others?
Do you really care about your community or customer?
What do you want to be known for, and what are you known for?

Action Items

Get the book and apply
Daily/weekly planner
Repeat the vision this week

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