In this episode, I talk with Orange Specialist Charlie Conder who serves and consults with student pastors that utilize XP3 Students. Charlie shares about partnering with schools, and gives us the inside scoop on a partnership she spent ten years building with local schools in her area. She walks through what that partnership looks like, […]

In this episode, I talk with Orange Specialist Charlie Conder who serves and consults with student pastors that utilize XP3 Students. Charlie shares about partnering with schools, and gives us the inside scoop on a partnership she spent ten years building with local schools in her area. She walks through what that partnership looks like, how it is student led, and how you can empower students in your ministry to lead in their schools. We also talk about being a woman in church leadership, specifically student ministry, and how to embrace that calling in spite of stereotypes or other barriers.

Charlie Conder

Connect with Charlie on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


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Todd McKeever
Jason Yon

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Links Mentioned in This Episode

The Seven Checkpoints for Student Leaders (book)–  Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall share the seven principles every teenager needs to know, and how student leaders can embrace these principles to build a solid ministry

Becoming a Level 5 Multiplying Church (book) – Todd Wilson and Dave Ferguson help churches determine where they are on the church multiplication scale, and dive into how to push through the barriers to become a level 5 church – An organization that helps youth ministry leaders, youth ministries, and churches do what they do better by providing coaching, programs, and other resources

Partnering With Schools: Campus Thrive

Teachers can share faith with students
Meets twice a month before school
Music, message, and students share testimony
Includes student led games and scripts
Serve teachers
Provides tutoring to students

Action Items

Bless local school teachers and staff
Start the conversation with students in your ministry about partnering with schools in your area and how you could have a presence in their schools

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