In this episode, I talk with JC Thompson. JC has transitioned into three different roles over the past ten years at the same church. He shares what it was like going from leading a specific ministry to leading all of NextGen, and what those different roles looked like. We also talk about how his church […]

In this episode, I talk with JC Thompson. JC has transitioned into three different roles over the past ten years at the same church. He shares what it was like going from leading a specific ministry to leading all of NextGen, and what those different roles looked like. We also talk about how his church structures age groups within NextGen, the reasoning behind those age brackets, and the pros and cons of their current structure.

JC Thompson

Connect with JC on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Email: [email protected]

Brookwood Church

Links Mentioned in This Episode

Michael Hyatt's Productivity Assessment – Take Michael Hyatt's Productivity Assessment to help you identify your current strategies for managing time and energy, and how you can become more productive

Orange – Check out Orange's curriculum resources for the different NextGen age groups – Resources and coaching to help you become a better leader. Click here to apply for the last Infuse group!

4 Disciplines of Execution (book) – Chris McChesney and Sean Covey outline a simple, repeatable formula for how to execute your most important strategic priorities

Family Talk – Check out Brookwood's format for including family discussion points with Sunday's message so that family's can continue the conversation at home

Family Ministry Field Guidebook (book) – Timothy Paul Jones explores how churches can best equip families to disciple their children

13 Reasons Why Resource  – Brookwood's podcast episode for parents on how to talk to their children about the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why

Action Items

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of how you group ages and ministries. Ask: Should we shift what we are doing?
What is your dream role? What is a plan for you to reach it?

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Next Episode: Lisa Molite

In the next episode, I talk with Lisa Molite about her site, and how she creates irresistible environments for kids. Specifically we dive into how she creates a new set and environment related to the theme each month. We walk through how she does it, what it looks like on a month-to-month basis, and how she built a team to help create those environments. You can check out the webinar we did with Lisa on irresistible environments right here.

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