On this week’s episode of the Niche Website Builders podcast, host James De Lacey talks with guest Kerry Campion. Kerry is an SEO copywriter for niche websites and social media.

Firstly, James and Kerry have a discussion on SEO content writing vs copywriting, and how they can be used together and interchangeably.

Next, Kerry tells us about her content creation process, as well as her content pillar strategies. Her chat with James covers things like creating content for links, and content for social media. Specifically, Kerry talks about how she re-purposes her niche website SEO content for good performance on platforms like Twitter. Kerry and James also get into Kerry’s SEO content strategies, as well as her approach to buyer intent strategies.

Finally, the episode covers email marketing strategies, with Kerry laying out her welcome campaigns, and how she nurtures her email lists from leads into converted sales of her digital products.

If you’re interested in SEO strategies for your niche website portfolio, re-purposing content for social media, or maximizing your email sales funnel, then this episode is for you.

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Niche Website Builders Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/niche-website-builders/id1548013326
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