On this episode of the Niche Website Builders podcast, James De Lacey talks to Doug Cunnington, the creator of the KGR keyword method.

Doug talks to James about the key mistakes that he has made on his niche website journey. These mistakes include trying to manage too many sites at once, where Doug talks about when you should look taking on adding additional niche sites.

Doug also tells us about the consequences of quitting too early, as well as trying to take shortcuts, such as using AI generated content.

Finally Doug and James talk about some general niche affiliate website ideas and tips.


Doug Cunnington’s Niche Site Project - https://nichesiteproject.com/
Doug Cunnington’s Podcast - https://doug.show/
Doug Cunnington on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/Dougcunnington
Niche Website Builders Blog – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/niche-empire-project/
Niche Website Builders: Aged Domains – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/domains
Niche Website Builders: Resources – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/resources
Niche Website Builders – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/
Niche Website Builders Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/niche-website-builders/id1548013326
Niche Website Builders on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDX_rVwDP_IQVx1tjn_h8dQ
Niche Website Builders on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/nichewebsitebuilders/
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