On this episode of the Niche Website Builders podcast, Craig Campbell returns to talk again with James De Lacey. Craig has over 20 years’ experience in the digital marketing space, including extensive knowledge of buying and flipping niche websites.

Craig tells us about his experience in buying and selling niche websites, including how he judges value in an existing site, when to buy, and what he thinks are the common denominators holding these niche websites back.

Later on, James and Craig discuss Craig’s movement into the casino space. They talk about Craig’s new casino niche website in the Indian market, and he gives us some tips and insight into how to rank within this very competitive niche, including discussion on mininets and PPNs, and how these tips can apply to wider markets.

James and Craig conclude with a wider discussion on black hat vs white hat, the darker areas of the niche website space, and a real-life story about CTR manipulation.


Craig Campbell – https://www.craigcampbellseo.com/
Craig Campbell on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPeOzstGV1FB0cGSBg2piDg
Craig Campbell’s Digital Marketing Podcast – https://www.craigcampbellseo.com/digital-marketing-podcast/
Niche Website Builders: Aged Domains – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/domains
Niche Website Builders: Resources – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/resources
Niche Website Builders – https://www.nichewebsite.builders/
Niche Website Builders Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/niche-website-builders/id1548013326
Niche Website Builders on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDX_rVwDP_IQVx1tjn_h8dQ
Niche Website Builders on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/nichewebsitebuilders/
Niche Website Builders’ Email – [email protected]