Bicycle adventurer and positivity pusher RYAN VAN DUZER is a born and bred mountain boy from the foothills of the Rockies. He's a TV host/content creator/motivational speaker ... and so much more ... who has literally ridden and climbed the path least traveled all over the globe. Ryan puts all his heart into inspiring people to get off their couches and explore this beautiful planet. Ryan is a bucket of sunshine and a bag of unicorn feathers all in one. You’re gonna love getting to know him if you don’t already.

> On being an ever-optimistic bicycle influencer> Why we need to talk to strangers> Why you should walk barefoot> The genius of Jim Henson timeless wisdom of the Muppets> The SNC ‘Rainbow Connection Free Sticker’ challenge> The ‘Baked Cookies to Your Neighbors Free Sticker’ challenge> The ‘Toothpaste-Filled Oreo Cookie Free Sticker’ challenge/internet meme> The Truth to the Rumor that Amelia Boone + Ryan Van Duzer’s are planning to ride 1000 miles on a tandem Eliptigo to save the Swedish Chef> How to make your kids happier by grounding your helicopters NICE LINKSRyan's Website: Instagram: @duzer5 Minutes of InspirationReal Science on Walking Barefoot Free Range KidsTHEME SONG @chetsaber