Mental ill health will affect one in four people at some point in their working lives while stress is believed to account for over 30 per cent of sickness absence in the NHS, costing the NHS £300-400 million per year.

We have produced a range of advice for NHS organisations on employment issues related to the mental ill health of staff.

To support World Mental Health Day 2014, we have released a series of podcasts focusing on the mental health of individuals and supporting managers dealing with mental health in the workplace. The podcasts feature the thoughts of Emma Mamo, Head of Workplace Wellbeing at MIND and Jon Bartlett, a coach and consultant who specialises in emotional health and wellbeing.

This podcast - 'Soon rather than later' talks about the importance of talking to your manager, how individuals can stay mentally healthy at work and what reasonable adjustments can be put in place to aid transition back to the workplace following a period of sickness related to mental health.