What should your financial game plan be after you retire from the NFL?

The truth is that tax planning isn’t over when you retire - the game is actually just beginning. There are still plenty of opportunities as a retired player for you to keep more of the money you earned if you take the right steps. A solid tax strategy saves money. Just filing your taxes does not.

In this week’s episode, I scratch the surface on the topics below, but if you want more details then download my Post Career Tax Game Plan through the form below.

Key Highlights

(00:06) After-tax return is what matters(3:58) Roth Conversions Strategy(3:13) Backdoor Roth IRA Strategy(5:15) NFL Pension + Annuity Plan + CAP Plan + 401(k) Plan Optimization(7:38) Donor-Advised Funds saves on taxes and increase impact of giving(8:22) Leveraging Post-NFL income with all the above