Grant Haley of the New Orleans Saints joins me this week to talk Venture Capital investing from the viewpoint of an active player. Grant was in the latest class of the Next Play Venture Fellowship with me and is also finishing his MBA while competing his ass off in the New Orleans Saints offseason program. 

He is doing what so many NFL players miss - including myself when I was playing - in taking advantage of the absurd amount of resources available to active players. Many of these resources amount to free money and easy networking. We cover what his biggest takeaways from the NPC Fellowship were, and what he has learned grinding it out in the NFL. 

NFL Players are entering a new phase of #athleteand, of which Grant is a prime example.  


Venture investing from the investing side and also from the entrepreneurs side. There is a process to greatness in this space just as there is in football. The Tom Brady of venture capitalists has the process to be able to repeat the winning over and over.Why I constantly say the term “own your wealth” and why you are doing a disservice to yourself to not be informed.If you think a good financial advisor is a stock picker then you're misinformed, and you should demand better. Certified Financial Planners with real expertise for your situation is what actually is valuable to you.Before making any investment you must answer the why of making that investment. Is there a priority you are targeting? Investing is more than just buying stocks. To actually create value, all factors of your financial life should be taken into consideration. Your team matters in football, and it’s no different for your financial team. Specialization at corner, tight end, or running back applies in exactly the same way to investing, tax, and planning experts.