Becoming a professional golfer is an exciting time. A ton of hard work, dedication and sacrifice put you in the position to be able to turn pro. Until now, most of what you have had to focus on is ON the golf course. You are now becoming a business, and with that comes OFF the course demands and needs that can take time and focus away from your game.

Follow these 5 steps when turning pro to set yourself up for success. The key to maximizing your potential is to eliminate distractions and take advantage of every opportunity placed in front of you. These steps will put you in a position to do just that.1:15 – Who is on your team?

Episode Highlights

00:45 – Who is on your team?1:53 – Taking care of your body3:01 – What do you want from an agent?4:04 – Why a wealth management team not a financial advisor5:28 – Questions to ask a Wealth management team before you hire them7:58 – Get a second bank account and credit card8:49 – Should you set up an LLC9:43 – Where are you going to get better? “Good players push each other”12:06 – What happens if I get hurt?14:01 – “The best investment that you can make is in yourself.”