Host: Charles iamBranded Madison

Guest: Author Nexxlegacy Radio - with guest author Vanessa Werts

Call number (713)955-0720

Nexxlegacy is a global multimedia brand dedicated in providing direction to help strengthen aspiring artists in growing & enhancing personal goals, and aspirations. Attached will be efforts to educate the children and young adults across the globe in hopes that a step toward building a Legacy is carried out with pride, and with a commitment that is limitless

Somewhere around 2007, Vanessa be-came obsessed with the dynamic of singles and dating, and why it seemed impossible for men and women with pure motives to find each other. So she went on the hunt, interviewing men at sports bars and anywhere else looking for the secret to unlock this mystery. She also spent time talking with women about their adventures in love and relationships. But her most burning question still remained: Do all men lie?