Brian Mitchell, Ryan Rampersad and first time guest Matthew Linder (Snuffy) discuss today's WWDC keynote event: OSX El Capitan, iOS 9, watchOS 2 and Apple Music.

Brian Mitchell, Ryan Rampersad and first time guest Matthew Linder (Snuffy) discuss today's WWDC keynote event: OSX El Capitan, iOS 9, watchOS 2 and Apple Music.


Apple — OS X El Capitan
Apple – iOS 9
Apple News Format (otherwise known as RSS)
Image: batterysettings.jpg
Apple – watchOS 2
Apple – Music
Brian M (tech4789) on Twitter: “WAT, NEW BEACHBALL. RIP old friend.”
El Capitan wallpaper — directly from beta, not re-encoded : apple
Apple – Live – June 2015 Special Event

This episode of Nexus Special has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #325: NS #38 — How Reasonable!

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