Welcome to Nexus at Night's largest undertaking since that time we asked Differentfight if we could borrow his car: the multi-hour meta discussion of doom!

A year and some change ago, we talked about the protect and accel gifts, and how those clans were doing great and weren't doing so hot, respectively (episodes 94 and 95 if you're interested.) Well here we are, every clan has gotten two waves of support unless their names are Gear Chronicle and Bermuda Triangle, we have an entirely new set of gifts, and somehow it's completely the opposite from where we started. So how did it happen?

Join Atlas, Matt, Root Beer, and James (that's right, he's back) as they take a look at the gift that fell from grace: protect. Then get ready for 3 more weeks of related episodes, because at the end, we're revealing that project that Atlas was workin' on. Stay tuned!

Follow us on Twitter or Instagram @NexusatNight, or support us on Patreon! patreon.com/nexuscorps
Follow Atlas on Twitter or Instagram @atlasnovack, Matt on Twitter @wiggumzz, or Alvin/Root Beer on Twitter @plasmaeclipse. Send us episode ideas, questions, or just come say hi!


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