Yes, Nexus at Night has made it to 150 episodes! And thanks to a Twitter poll we put up, the fans have voted for this momentous occasion to be celebrated with "something stupid". Well, can't disappoint the fans now can we?!

Join our trio of twits as they talk about pretty much everything, from movies to relationships to Final Fantasy XIV, anything except Vanguard really. And even then we can't even stay off-topic. Thanks for sticking by us for this long!

Follow us on Twitter or Instagram @NexusatNight, or support us on Patreon!
Follow Atlas @atlasnovack, Matt @wiggumzz, or Alvin/Root Beer @plasmaeclipse. James doesn't do social media so nuts to him I guess. Send us episode ideas, questions, or just come say hi!


(What we should learn in high school:


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