On this week’s Episode of Next To Nothing, it’s just us boiiz! We kick things off this week with Mr. Green and Mendacii talking about their respective times playing #ReadyOrNot a new tactical swat FPS that has recently entered early access. Mendacii takes us through the nightmare tunnel that was his experience with the #StraySouls demo. We then cringe as a group at #Stalker2 and their NFT mess. We curiously poke at Dell’s new laptop concept “Luna”. Mr. Green bridges the curious gap for us in understanding Microsoft and ifixit’s plans to release tools to allow the consumers as well as ‘ma and pa’ shops to fix products. We wish you all happy holidays and a reminder to travel safely and health consciously!

Daniecae ▶ https://www.twitch.tv/daniecae

MrGreenElite ▶ https://www.twitch.tv/mrgreenelite

Mendacii ▶ https://www.twitch.tv/mendacii

Mendacii and Cyberbrent's other show ▶ https://open.spotify.com/show/53YCLF9Y7Z5LpW3X0BeOfy?si=7646a9a56e604be5