On this week’s episode of Next To Nothing the boys are joined by variety and Plymouth RP streamer TKarver13! Karver was one of three streamers that joined us for our 12 hour charity marathon this past weekend! Mr. Green and Danie review Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer, the boys tackle the Apple Repair Program news together, Danie screams for 10 minutes straight about the StreamLabs OBS Controversy, Acti-Blizz updates come in scorching hot with a debate between Mendacii and resident lifetime Blizzard fan Karver! The show is wrapped up with some Black Friday deals to look out for!

#activisionblizzard #streamlabs #Haloinfinitemp

Daniecae ▶ https://www.twitch.tv/daniecae

MrGreenElite ▶ https://www.twitch.tv/mrgreenelite

Mendacii ▶ https://www.twitch.tv/mendacii

TKarver13 ▶ https://twitch.tv/tkarver13

And Mendacii’s other show ▶ https://open.spotify.com/show/53YCLF9Y7Z5LpW3X0BeOfy?si=7646a9a56e604be5