Listen to a new episode of Your Next Stop Live recorded live on Fireside, featuring guest Clint Hatton. Clint is an author, motivational speaker, personal development and leadership coach, and the founder of BigBoldBrave in McKinney, Texas. He has been coaching individuals and organizations for over twenty years with a proven track record of helping people live up to their full potential while building healthier marriages, relationships, and teams. Clint recently published his first book, Big Bold Brave: How to Live Courageously in a Risky World. It was inspired by the way his oldest son lived his life. Gabriel achieved his goal of becoming a licensed pilot at the age of 17. He died in a tragic plane crash while living his dream just shy of his 18th birthday. His legacy is carried on by the Hatton family.


Check out Clint’s Website, and find him on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.


Remarkable Quotes


“We had to tell our pain how to behave. We had to tell our pain where to go. Otherwise it was just going to keep us trapped.”

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