For 28 years Paul Jocelyn's career was at Tesco. Working in a variety of roles he was part of an ambitious business, relentlessly pursuing change at its growing edge; a shift to online and digital, going international, diversifying into new retail models such as Tesco Local, Tesco Express and Tesco Direct, a shift from groceries to groceries + everything else, and much more besides.

In all of this Paul saw how learning and development at the growing edge of organisations needs to shift away from a centralised, standardised curriculum of learning in order to embrace something different, more agile and better adapted to the complex world of the 'next stage' business.

Paul now works as a consultant, helping organisations to rethink their approach to learning and development. His work is heavily influenced by his experiences and by the idea that, in order for organisations to compete in complexity, it is necessary for them to shift the learning relationship from something that is ‘done to’ learners to something that is learner led and anchored in the work.

You can find our more about Paul and his work via:

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His website >>>

If you are reading this before March 12th 2021 then you can also join Paul for an Exploring Aloud workshop, where he will be discussing the ideas and issues raised in this podcast. Find out more and register through the link >>> EXPLORING ALOUD: 'Insurgency Tactics for L&D' with Paul Jocelyn 

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