With 22 years of practical experience as a nursery teacher, Nicky Shaw has developed a neuro-aware approach to supporting children’s social and emotional development. Gone are the behaviourist-inspired techniques of naughty corners, reward stickers and discipline-focused strategies. In their place are attachment-focused conversations and responses, rooted in empathy, that help children to build their emotional literacy and self-regulate their response to emotional triggers.

The impacts of this approach have been profound. Perhaps most remarkable has been the impact on how children connect with each other. Even at these very early stages of childhood, the improved emotional literacy of each child has led to empathic interactions and understandings between children and an ability to co-regulate.

Nicky’s work with nursery children points the way to something essential in the human condition; a truth about how we really work. The model of emotional literacy and self-regulation that she has developed holds the promise of much a broader application. For example, if nursery children can learn to self-regulate and co-regulate then could this same approach provide a model for leadership, fellowship, coaching, team building, self-management and self-organisation in the workplace?

Find out more about Nicky:

- Connect via the Next Stage Radicals community of practice or on Twitter @brogeshaw

- Read more and get in touch via her University of Strathclyde profile page

- Read the National policy document Nicky mentions in the podcast (Realising The Ambition) and which is helping bring this work to scale in Scotland.

NB If you are tuning into this podcast before 1pm on 16th September 2020 you can also join Nicky for an in depth discussion about this work and its wider implications for how we all live and work, as part of our 'Exploring Aloud' series of webinars. More details via:

- EXPLORING ALOUD: Emotion Coaching & Next Stage Leadership with Nicky Shaw

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