Joy MacKeith has a background in the voluntary sector, in service delivery, research and consultancy. Twenty years ago her work on outcome measurement led to the co-creation of the Outcomes Star, now a suite of fifty tailored tools for supporting and measuring individual change.

She is author of the report ‘Enabling Help’ which draws on twenty years of working with the Outcomes Stars to present a critique of the system of social provision and a vision of how it could work better for the people it serves.

In this podcast she shares her radical idea that social provision today is based on ideas borrowed from other fields. They don’t fit the work of human services and are driving provision off course.  Instead of borrowing from elsewhere, we need to base services on what we know about human beings and what we all need to thrive.

To find out more about Joy and her work:

Get in touch via [email protected]
Find Outcomes Star on twitter at @outcomesstar
Find Triangle Consulting here on Linked-In

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