This month’s guest radical is Adrian Brown. Adrian is Executive Director of the Centre for Public Impact (CPI) and has over 15 years' experience working on government performance and transformation in the UK and internationally. He has held a range of positions in the UK government, including stints at the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit, the Strategy Unit and as a policy adviser in the Prime Minister's Office. In his work at the Centre for Public Impact he is helping others to reimagine government in ways that embrace complexity, value relationships and prioritise learning. In this podcast we discuss this work and what it means to rethink government for a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world.

Find out more and connect with Adrian via:

On Being and Doing in Government - a blog that Adrian references a couple fo times in the podcast.
Centre for Public Impact.

If you are reading this before 1pm on Friday 8th October then come and join Adrian for his EXPLORING ALOUD workshop. It's free to join and a perfect opportunity to directly discuss the issues raised in this podcast with Adrian and others.

EXPLORING ALOUD: 'Rethinking government for a VUCA world' with Adrian Brown