"I graduated from Harvard, are you effin kidding me?" - Pleasure to have on Ryan Lannon, Harvard grad and 15 year pro player in the AHL and Finland. Ryan is one of the only former players we've heard of to make a comeback to the pro game after being retired for 4 years.

This conversation was raw and honest and a true look behind a wild journey in hockey - all the feelings of loving it hating it then falling back in love - the craziness of the first retirement living in a van seeing real life. Trying out his hand with various business ventures…and going back to the game after 4 years then trying to figure life out all over again.

He is one of the most interesting guys we’ve had the chance to chat with. His story is a unique one in that even with a Harvard degree in his back pocket he is still looking for that one thing or bunch of things that will fire him up the same way the game did when he played.