This week next level entrepreneur Dr. Brent Lacey and I took the conversation to another level as we chatted about how we learn by teaching, and how ongoing personal development helps us to be examples for modeling excellence to others.

Highlights from the conversation:

Dr.Brent Lacey

● Owner of The Scope of Practice, Gastroenterologist. Does one-on-one coaching in business and personal finance

● After working on one-on-one coaching several years and getting the same questions asked over and over, he decided to provide resources for people in the shape of a blog. He made sure that the topics he included were needed by his audience, as well as being viable.

We deepen our learning when we teach others

● Latin phrase: “Docendo discimus” that means by teaching, we learn.

● Teaching people is the best way to learn. There’s something in being able to transmit certain knowledge to others, that reaffirms the fact that you deeply understand it too.

● Teaching lets people discover the way they process information, their way of thinking about certain topics, as well as their own philosophies.

Becoming successful is just a matter of making the right decision

● You don’t have to have 300 diplomas in different specialities to become a millionaire. Extremely intelligent people became millionaires, as well as common people that worked as a teacher, plumber, landscaper, etc. The only thing needed is the will to learn about what your next step will be.

● Becoming a millionaire is a matter of making the right decisions, and keep making them for a period of time. It’s all about making smart choices.

● Money mindset: Some people were taught since an early age, some people weren’t. Those who weren’t should be focused on implementing that mindset in their minds. Being able to be responsible and mindful of their finances.

● It’s important to adjust gratification. This doesn’t mean that not spending on things beyond what’s necessary shouldn’t be done, but the contrary. It should be done considering the lifestyle you can afford. This is important because some people hold their breaths during university years, residence, and so on…. and once they get their first paycheck, BOOM! Lots of expenses and luxury. Those things are ok, but should be incorporated gradually and while making sure they are in the budget.

● Social media and the exposition of everyone else’s dream life can provoke negative thoughts such as “When is it going to be my turn?” First, think: Is it something you genuinely want, or you just say you want it because it looks good? Are there other things that you find more valuable and would rather spend money in? Find those priorities and focus on them.

Follow Dr. Lacey

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- Instagram: @TheScopeOfPractice

See you on the next one!

Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

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