This week next level entrepreneur and author Michele Johnson PA-C and I take the conversation to another level as we talk about Turning Pain into Passion.

Highlights from the conversation:

· While Michele is now a thriving practicing Family Medicine PA-C, rising social media influencer, and author, her journey started in the office of disability at the age of 23.

· “As a practicing Family Medicine PA-C and Fibromyalgia patient for the last 18 years, I’ve learned how to live a life I love despite chronic pain.

· From 23 year old being denied disability benefits, living off 141$/month in food stamps, killing rats and roaches in my basement apartment to now traveling to different countries like China and Cuba to study Medicine and wholistic healthcare. My life is drastically different due to the mindset and tips I try to give out in my book”

· After being denied disability at age 23 b/c she “looked fine” even though she sometimes could barely get out of bed, she remembered something her mother told her… “no matter what the circumstance you can always pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again”

· For her, the “why” had to be bigger

· Michele decided she would go back to school to be a PA b/c she thought the medical industry would be more understanding of her lllness, and that she could make a bigger difference from the inside.

· The medical profession wasn’t as forgiving as she thought it would be.

· She started seeing patients coming in w/pain that were similar to her “looked fine” but felt terrible. This is what inspired her to begin thinking about writing the book.

· Her transition into entrepreneurship has been a learning process. Her advice:

· “In the absence of water, people will drink the sand. People are waiting for you to lead”

· Having a support system throughout the process is key. Her support system – Her family.

Catch up with Michele Johnson by visiting her at

Get Michele's Book "Pain Free: How To Live A Full Life Despite Chronic Pain" on:

Schedule Invisible Illness Roadmap Call:

(Fit for From Pain2Power Course)

or Contact her Directly by Email: [email protected]

Register for Her Upcoming Free Virtual Workshop

“The Talk” Conversations We Never Had Growing Up Black

You can also follow her on social media at:



See you on the next one!

Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

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