Video games are awesome and here at Next Level Cast we think that it is our duty, NO, our obligation to bring you the latest news and inside stories in the world of video games. Kenny and Sean may not be the

best people for the job but by god, they’re the most passionate!

HOLY COW it’s another episode and another round of Xbox One discussion. What the blooming heck were Microsoft thinking? So much has gone wrong for them in the past week and we think it’s only fair that we add to the pressure by ripping them a new one. Don’t get us wrong, we like the Xbox One but the mob has spoken. Grab your pitchforks ladies and gentlemen. It’s time for a slightly confused and possibly abused episode of Next Level Cast

If you’d like to write to the show then contact us at [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter




Video games are awesome and here at Next Level Cast we think that it is our duty, NO, our obligation to bring you the latest news and inside stories in the world of video games. Kenny and Sean may not be the

best people for the job but by god, they’re the most passionate!

HOLY COW it’s another episode and another round of Xbox One discussion. What the blooming heck were Microsoft thinking? So much has gone wrong for them in the past week and we think it’s only fair that we add to the pressure by ripping them a new one. Don’t get us wrong, we like the Xbox One but the mob has spoken. Grab your pitchforks ladies and gentlemen. It’s time for a slightly confused and possibly abused episode of Next Level Cast

If you’d like to write to the show then contact us at [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter


