“I would have lived with a pacemaker for the rest of my life. Not an option. Really not an option. I went back to my roots and spent 2 months in an ashram and healed everything.” – Mona Sharma


In today’s episode, Mona Sharma talks with Dr. Shah, revealing ancient wisdom gleaned from residing in an ashram in her youth, coupled with the experience of a real-life health trauma while on the corporate sales grind in the high-end beauty industry. Facing the dread possibility of living with a pacemaker for the rest of her life, Sharma reconsidered everything about how she was living.

Sharma comes from a unique background. Her father is East Indian. Her mother is Danish. She spent a large portion of her youth in an ashram. The tenets of her health as a child were clean eating, utilizing food as medicine, mindfulness, community, and allowing the mind and body to rest and digest every single day. Her jet-set life almost took her life, but she turned it all around.

Sharma strayed from the simple wisdom gained in her youth. Finding herself in multiple cities a week, often waking up in hotel rooms not knowing where she was headed next, her health declined rapidly. Sharma gained 40 pounds after being put on beta blockers for a heart condition. Observing that doctors asked her nothing about her stress levels or what she was eating as her health continued to decline, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

After undergoing not one, but multiple heart surgeries, Sharma re-examined her lifestyle to look for the root cause of a malady first discovered in her late teens – atrial tachycardia – but which later burgeoned into a live-or-die call-to-action, and her new life path.

Sharma’s credentials as a certified nutritionist and yoga teacher after being a marketing trainer for brands like Christian Dior and Tom Ford are invaluable because so many people can relate to the burnout and negative health-impacts that can accompany a corporate job that looks glamorous on paper.

Sharma was also recently on Red Table Talk. Will Smith is one of her clients. He subscribes to her simple eating and mindfulness insights, and now so can we.

Join Mona Sharma and Dr. Shah as they discuss her fascinating journey from an ashram to cities like Paris and London, and then back to the ashram to find healing secrets that she shares with us with passion.




Troubleshoot health issues quickly and to target health optimization for your unique constitution, not with hit-or-miss nutrition from decades past Overcome negative food psychology and instead create good food habits Effectively modify your diet with your biology as you age How to recognize the thoughts you have which sabotage your progress Going back to basics and fundamentals, instead of trying to achieve an extreme How Sharma juggles eating right as a busy mother, entrepreneur, and health influencer How to tie mindfulness into eating right The importance of gratitude for your body and mind How to motivate yourself beyond the superficial – when a six pack isn’t enough Why movement is critical to your motivation and joy Why great health is a “practice” not a magic bullet How neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can help you achieve health goals How to free yourself from traumatic emotional experiences that may be sabotaging you The latest science behind today’s nutritional advancements Why you need to avoid “dead” food Optimizing your health with the “un-diet” Discover a great “prebiotic” food that Sharma puts on everyone’s eating list Tying in ashram living with Ayurveda, yoga, mindfulness, and nutrition The importance of community in achieving peak health




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Dr. Darshan Shah:

Website: https://www.drshah.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DarshanShahMD

Making the Cut: https://www.drshah.com/making-the-cut.html


Mona Sharma

Website: https://www.monasharma.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xicamalife/

Twitter: @MonaSharma81

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monaleahsharma

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