In our previous podcasts, we have talked about energy issues, supply chain problems and the ongoing impact of Covid. We now focus on how the world is being affected by the conflict taking place in Ukraine.
Are businesses going to suffer from the impact of this crisis and if so, how, which sectors and where? How can companies deal with raising inflation rates? Is this the time to refinance or look for alternative sources of capital, before interest rates rise to levels that we have not seen for at least 15 years?
Your host, Rebecca Harding from Saltwhistle Communications talks about these issues in our latest podcast with Rainer Koellgen, Senior Advisor at PP&C Independent auditors based in Brazil, who is German and works in Europe, the USA and South America. He is an expert in turnaround, structuring and organisational change. Rebecca is also joined by Martin Trott, a Partner at Rawlinson & Hunter and an insolvency practitioner at R&H Restructuring, based in the Cayman Islands. Martin has vast cross-border experience, having worked with corporates in the UK, U.S., the Far East, and Europe.