As the World Cup heads towards the quarter final round, another infrastructure collapse occurs in Belo Horizonte. Meanwhile a new investigative report shows the Brazilian weapons industry is booming thanks to big domestic security spending. Over in Norway the government has announced it will close its online voting experiment. Down in Papua New Guinea a court has ruled that Palm Oil Companies must get out of town. A prestigious human rights award goes to an Egyptian lawyer who has been jailed by the last three presidents. Visualizations using NASA satellite information show how in many US cities the air has gotten cleaner over the past 10 years. A run on the banks in Bulgaria has led to EU Commission intervention. And finally this week's NEWZ Source: Science Magazine's Weekly Podcast.

Brazil Accident — World Cup Weapons — Norway Voting — Palm Oil Ruling — Human Rights Award — Decade of Cleaner Air — Bulgarian Banks — Science Podcast

As the World Cup heads towards the quarter final round, another infrastructure collapse occurs in Belo Horizonte. Meanwhile a new investigative report shows the Brazilian weapons industry is booming thanks to big domestic security spending. Over in Norway the government has announced it will close its online voting experiment. Down in Papua New Guinea a court has ruled that Palm Oil Companies must get out of town. A prestigious human rights award goes to an Egyptian lawyer who has been jailed by the last three presidents. Visualizations using NASA satellite information show how in many US cities the air has gotten cleaner over the past 10 years. A run on the banks in Bulgaria has led to EU Commission intervention. And finally this week's NEWZ Source: Science Magazine's Weekly Podcast.

Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
(Amsterdam, Netherlands)





Tim Pritlove
(Berlin, Germany)


Metaebene Personal Media


Overpass Collapses In Belo Horizonte

Video of bridge collapsing

World Cup and Olympics Provide Boom for Brazilian Weapons Industry
Norway Closes Online Voting Experiment
PNG Court Rules in Favor of Indigenous Communities Over Palm Oil Corporations
Jailed Egyptian Activist Awarded Human Rights Prize
Satellite Imagery Shows Cleaner Air in US Cities 
Run On Bulgarian Banks Leads to EU Intervention

Wikipedia: Deposit Insurance

NEWZ Source: Science Podcast
Photo by Obeck via Flickr (CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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