This week we look at Saudi Arabia's big plunge into nuclear energy. UN releases first undersea mining guidelines for licenses to be issued in 2016. Nigerian president declares operations against Boko Haram a success. Motherboard story reveals who makes money on private prisons in the US and how they are tied to pension funds. This week's NEWZ source: Motherboard by Vice Magazine.

Saudi Nuclear Plans; Undersea Mining; Boko Haram Nigeria; Candidates Rejected in Iran; Pension Plans American Prisons; Motherboard

This week we look at Saudi Arabia's big plunge into nuclear energy. UN releases first undersea mining guidelines for licenses to be issued in 2016. Nigerian president declares operations against Boko Haram a success. Motherboard story reveals who makes money on private prisons in the US and how they are tied to pension funds. This week's NEWZ source: Motherboard by Vice Magazine.

Mark Fonseca Rendeiro





Tim Pritlove


Metaebene Personal Media


Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Ambitions for 2022
UN Releases First Undersea Mining Plan
Nigerian President Calls Operation Against Boko Haram A Success
Terrorism Risk Map
Iran’s Guardian Council Rejects Rafsanjani
American Pensions Tied to Prison Companies
NEWZ Sources: Motherboard
Recommended Listening: Mark’s Latest Podcast Featuring Syrian Reporters
Episode Image: 2010 Best Ranger Competition-3 by Expert Infantry

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