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Nina Burleigh and Michele Gorman from Newsweek’s U.S. Office join Mirren Gidda and Josh Lowe to discuss what women want from this year’s election. The choice before women at the 2016 U.S. Presidential election is absurdly polarised. On the one hand, they have Hillary Clinton, who not only places issues like childcare at the heart of her platform, but would if elected become the most powerful woman ever in the modern Western world. On the other, they have Donald Trump, a hyper-macho man's man whose misogynistic language culminated in the release of a tape of him bragging about sexual assault and a string of allegations of improper conduct toward women (all of which he denies.)That in mind, it's perhaps not surprising that polls show a growing gender gap, with women increasingly likely to vote in their overwhelmingly majority for Clinton. But this isn't just about personalities. In recent years, American women have increasingly leaned Democrat.Why do the republicans have a woman problem? Why don't all women support Clinton? And, whoever gets into the Oval Office this November, what do they need to do for the women of America? Newsweek's Foreign Service is recorded and edited by Jordan Saville.

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