BONUS EP. James chats with Mieke Ruth AKA @sex_marxist about NAFTA, supply management and other bourgeois bullshit.

Mieke is an undergraduate student in politics and economics at the University of Winnipeg, situated on occupied Anishinaabek territory and the birthplace of the Métis nation. They are passionate about making socialist economic and political ideas accessible to the public, and currently organize with the Revolutionary Student Movement, a pan-Canadian anti-colonial, anti-racist and proletarian feminist group which aims to engage secondary and post-secondary students in revolutionary organizing against their own oppression and exploitation.

Here are links to readings that Mieke mentions in the ep.

- Steve Keen on free trade fallacies:

- Keen on Ricardo:

- TripleCrisis piece on left and protectionism:

- Washington Post piece by Jared Bernstein and Dean Baker about good trade policy:

as always, thank you so so much to andre goulet (our generous producer and host of "unpacking the news") and jason vezina (who crafted our groovy, hip & delicious theme song).

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