The Nuanced Life is out today!

The CDC and HHS issued a joint order temporarily halting evictions through the end of this year if the renter can prove their inability to pay is due to COVID19.

[CDC Issues Sweeping Temporary Halt On Evictions Nationwide Amid Pandemic : Coronavirus Live Updates : NPR]()

President Trump has been on a streak of fear-mongering and disinformation. He went to Kenosha despite a request from state and local officials that he stay away.  He tweeted a bizarrely specific response to reports that his surprise visit to Walter Reed in the fall left Vice-President Pence ready to assume presidential duties. And he spoke in an interview about conspiracy theories that a plane “almost completely loaded with thugs” wearing “dark uniforms” had been headed to the Republican National Convention to do “big damage.”

“I think everything he does turns into a circus and I just didn’t want to be involved in it,” Gram said.

[Kenosha business owner accuses Trump of using destroyed store for political gain | TheHill]()

Massachusetts primary

Senator Ed Markey beat back a primary challenge from Joe Kennedy III and  Representative Richard Neal beat Mayor Alex Morse in his primary. 

The Administration also announced that it will not join the Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access (Covax) Facility because the World Health Organization is involved.

[U.S. says it won’t join WHO-linked effort to develop, distribute coronavirus vaccine - The Washington Post]()

A group backed by the Kremlin is again trying to meddle in the U.S. presidential election and push voters toward Trump,  [Facebook and Twitter said yesterday]() .

We had two important court cases as well.  The DC Circuit Court of Appeals  ruled against the DOJ and restored the power to the lower court judge to examine the reasoning behind their desire to throw out the case. Also, the judges ruled 2-1 that the House of Representatives must pass a new law to make its subpoenas enforceable.