his week’s episode of The Nuanced Life is on weddings.

Hurricane Sally made landfall with 105mph wins. Because the storm is slow moving, much of the area is facing increased risk for flooding. 

The family of Breonna Taylor has reached a settlement with the city of Louisville for $12 million dollars and includes the following reforms:

* Early action warning system to identify officers with red flags;

* Mandatory commanding officer review of all search warrants;

* Mandatory body camera counting from two officers of all currency seizures;

* Mandatory written approval of SWAT matrices before search warrants are executed;

* Encouraging officers to perform at least two paid hours a week of community service in the communities they serve;

* Housing credits for officers to live in certain low-income census tracts in the city;

* Hire a team of social workers to assist with dispatched runs; 

* Commit to bargain for increased drug and alcohol testing in the next FOP contract;

* Overhaul of processes for simultaneous search warrants;

* Mandatory EMS/paramedic presence for all search warrants; and

* Elimination of the ‘closed by exception’ basis for closing investigations into officer conduct when there is a retirement or resignation.

* Personnel files: Metro will negotiate with the FOP in 2021 to expand on the records it may maintain in police officers’ personnel files.

[What we know about Louisville’s settlement in the Breonna Taylor case](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/breonna-taylor/2020/09/15/what-we-know-louisvilles-settlement-breonna-taylor-case/5802300002/)

President Trump attended an ABC Town Hall last night, where we faced tough questions from voters and not just screams of praise from his supporters.

[20/20 - Full Episode: Tuesday, September 15, 2020](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vRVNQMzQ1NjkwMzA1Mg/episode/OGE1MmYwZTAtZjc5MC0xMWVhLTk3ODYtMTM0NDAzM2M3Nzk2?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjpmYfi5u3rAhVmkuAKHbZOD1AQieUEegQIDhAF&ep=6)

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