In advance of our discussion of Reagan's presidency on Friday's episode, Beth is diving deep into Reagan's time as California's governor. Plus, it just seems like a good day to talk about the Californian gubernatorial office, doesn't it?

Resources for today and Friday's episode:

THE REAGAN LEGACY (The New York Times - 1986) Reagan called President Nixon to slur Africans as ‘monkeys.’ Of course there are tapes. (The Washington Post) As we rethink Ronald Reagan’s legacy, we should also rethink how and why it was constructed (The Washington Post) Reagan’s Real Legacy (The Nation) The Ten Legacies of Ronald Reagan (Hoover Institution) Reagan's Legacy: Too Much Credit? Criticism? (NPR) The Cost of Defying the President (The New Yorker) Think Again: Ronald Reagan (Foreign Policy) Get bonus content on Patreon

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