Happy New Year! Let's get to it. 

Thanks to everyone who suggested topics. I'm going to try to at least touch on everything you shared (as of 6 p.m. on Sunday): 


Friends, I wish I could tell you what is going to happen in the Georgia runoffs, but it is, to borrow from The Guardian, a knife's edge. Here's a fantastic breakdown of the procedure and possible outcomes from the Bipartisan Policy Center. Don't miss these difficult but important insights on how Rev. Warnock is navigating the issue of race in Georgia. 

The Certification Mess/Josh Hawley Therapy: 

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley +10 + 140 House Republicans aside, Congress will certify Biden/Harris as the winners of the election because an objection to certification must be passed by both the House and the Senate -- and the Democratic majority plus House Republicans who care at least a little about the Constitution will not sustain those objections. 

That doesn't mean that we should put aside concerns about these objections. I share your concerns about what the world sees, about the precedent set for future Congresses, and most of all, about what violence could follow in American cities because of cynical leadership. 

(I take a little detour here about the future of the Republican Party through the prism of their insistence on a liability shield related to Covid-relief. My main point is that the party can't stand for federalism in any way when they're trying to create a federal defense to state common law claims -- especially when there doesn't seem to be a real problem that needs to be solved here. 

Lightning Round: 

Holly asked about the future of the white evangelical church. I'd like to talk about this with Sarah but my 8-ball answer is "outlook not so good." 

Kim asked about vaccine distribution, which we'll discuss on tomorrow's podcast. I just try to have grace for the massive logistical challenge which comes in the midst of massive transmission, sickness, death, and fatigue. 

Kennan and Jody want more profiles on Biden nominees -- let me know who you're excited about! 

Shelley is interested in inauguration and SCOTUS. Stay tuned for both. 

Christine asked what we can do now that elections are over. Among other things, look for structural issues to get involved in, like gerrymandering, ranked choice voting, voter access, and criminal justice reform. Also, encourage your best people to run for office

Sydney asked about Trump's taped conversation with the Georgia Secretary of State. We'll definitely discuss on tomorrow's podcast. For now, this is another example of how our views on Trump don't result from biased media coverage. They're based on his words and actions. 

Shelly asked about how Trump will be covered post-inauguration. I can tell you how I'm thinking about it right now, with an assist from Ella Fitzgerald and Rodgers and Hammerstein

Have the best available Monday. I'll see you back here tomorrow, and more importantly, Sarah and I will see on the podcast! 


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