Previous Episode: April 7, 2021 News Brief
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Hello, my friends. It’s been a minute since we’ve visited the United States Supreme Court, so let’s go there today. I’ve seen so much coverage of Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc., but I’ve felt like the coverage didn’t help explain what actually happened. So let’s dig in.

Justice Breyer writes the majority opinion, joined by Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch. Justice Thomas dissents, joined by Alito. Justice Barrett did not participate in this case.

Because I was born in 1981, the language of coding and computer programming hasn’t been part of my education from the elementary stage on the way it is for my girls, and I didn’t study it later in life. So it stretches me to think about how coding actually works. With that in mind, here are the ages of the US Supreme Court justices:

Breyer - 82

Thomas - 72

Alito - 71

Roberts - 66

Sotomayor - 66

Kagan - 60

Kavanaugh - 56

Gorsuch - 53

Barrett - 49

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