Undoubtedly this is a time of rapid technological transformation, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies being an increasingly core area of focus for top and mid-tier law firms in their long-term strategy. This is rightly so as leading legal academic and author, Prof Richard Susskind, views this era of change as “an opportunity for some professionals to revisit some of their working practices” in his book, “The Future of the Professions”.

A Deloitte study in 2016 found about 114,000 legal jobs are likely to be automated in the UK alone in the next 20 years. This sort of hype may conjure up images of robot lawyers taking over the work of humans, but this would be to mistake specific AI for general AI. Specific AI uses algorithms to perform particular tasks often routine and repetitive in nature while General AI involves robots thinking, feeling and joining in similar to how humans do. It’s also clear that the technology is nowhere near as advanced as that yet, as AI is currently serving to support and complement the work traditionally done by lawyers.

Here are four areas where AI technologies are complementing the work traditionally done by lawyers.



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