Previous Episode: Oregon Burning

This edition of the podcast is a rerun of a show I produced 4-years ago after Hillary Clinton lost the election for President. I can hear the sadness & discouragement I was feeling in my voice — it was a bad time. Now we’re at the point of electing a new President, and it seems […]

The post Be A Lighthouse first appeared on New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World.

This edition of the podcast is a rerun of a show I produced 4-years ago after Hillary Clinton lost the election for President. I can hear the sadness & discouragement I was feeling in my voice — it was a bad time. Now we’re at the point of electing a new President, and it seems this November 3rd might be quite a good day if you’re a Democrat. I have hope for the first time in years.

The set is filled with the music that lifted me up after the election of 2016. We have chants from Avasa & Matthew Love, Dave Stringer & Donna DeLory, Jahnavi Harrison with Gaura Vani, Jai Uttal, Wade Imry Morrisette, Mirabai Ceiba, Madi Das from his Grammy-nominated CD & Johanna Beekman.

The lines of people voting give me hope. The involvement of our young people in our democracy gives me hope. The energy behind the Black Lives Matter movement gives me hope. Yes, we’re all spooked by what happened in 2016, but know hope. This country is changing, and in three weeks we’ll know how much it has changed. Be a lighthouse for your community, and visualize the world you want it to be. Work for that vision — we’re going to create it together. Hang in there, dear hearts. Stay healthy, and until next time. Namaste.

The post Be A Lighthouse first appeared on New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World.