
Apartment Complex Issues Draconian Curfew Amid Rampant Crime – ‘Sounds Like Martial Law’ by Kelen McBreen

GOP: Where Did Joe Biden’s $10 Million Windfall In 2017 Actually Come From? by ZeroHedge

Wall Street to the Fed: Inflation Is Over. Give Us More Easy Money! by Ryan McMaken |

Andrew Tate Return Episode Breaks Internet With Over 432,000 Live Viewers by Adan Salazar

Globalist Depopulation Plan: Sacrificing Children on the Altar of Killer Covid Shots The Alex Jones Show

Texas Gov. Busses Migrants to LA, Says Biden ‘Refuses to Secure Border’ by Sputnik

VIDEO: Corporate Fascists Censor Trump Speech in Real-Time The Alex Jones Show

Resolution To Censure Adam Schiff Over Russia Hoax Fails in House — 20 Republicans Voted With Democrats!

The United Nations Is Plotting a “Code Of Conduct” For Online Platforms To Combat “Misinformation” by Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net

"What Does It Mean When Someone Is Delusional?"
"A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person's content of thought. The false belief is not accounted for by the person's cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence."

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