Finders Keeprs (documentary)

To kick off our topic Jules is recommending a documentary from 2015. The story is strange and twisting and full of odd characters.

The setup- a man buys a grill/smoker in a storage locker auction. Inside the grill is a human foot. The man to whom the foot belongs comes asking for his foot back.

Shannon found the foot after buying the grill and he believes it to be his ticket to fame.

John Wood is the one who used to be attached to the foot. He wants it back. More strangeness ensues.

You can watch Finders Keepers on Netflix.

NEXT WEEK: John brings us a deck building card game “Barba*rossa”.

You can follow us on twitter @newtoyoushow and you can leave comments down below!

You can follow Matt Schwartz on Facebook - look for the Matt in NYC who is talking about horror movies regularly.

You can follow John on twitter @lordjoho 

You can see Keith’s art on

You can follow Jules on twitter @beautifuljules



Finders Keeprs (documentary)

To kick off our topic Jules is recommending a documentary from 2015. The story is strange and twisting and full of odd characters.

The setup- a man buys a grill/smoker in a storage locker auction. Inside the grill is a human foot. The man to whom the foot belongs comes asking for his foot back.

Shannon found the foot after buying the grill and he believes it to be his ticket to fame.

John Wood is the one who used to be attached to the foot. He wants it back. More strangeness ensues.

You can watch Finders Keepers on Netflix.

NEXT WEEK: John brings us a deck building card game “Barba*rossa”.

You can follow us on twitter @newtoyoushow and you can leave comments down below!

You can follow Matt Schwartz on Facebook - look for the Matt in NYC who is talking about horror movies regularly.

You can follow John on twitter @lordjoho 

You can see Keith’s art on

You can follow Jules on twitter @beautifuljules