Hear prog-marching band music from Chicago's Mucca Pazza, ambient-gothic Norwegian-Icelandic music from the duo Jo Berger Myhre & Ólafur Björn Ólafsson, jazz-tronic ambient minimalism from London's Portico Quartet, and new work from Danish experimental supergroup Girls in Airports. Also, hear new music by Molly Joyce for cellist Nick Photinos, new work from Kaki King & the Porta Girevole Chamber Orchestra, and more.

Hear ambient-gothic music from Norwegian bassist Jo Berger Myhre and Icelandic drummer Ólafur Björn Ólafsson  in their composed work, “1000%,” which was recorded in an abandoned Reykjavik warehouse.  Also, listen to driving indie jazz from the Danish experimental ensemble, Girls in Airport, recorded live in Germany. Plus, hear a sample from Brooklyn's own Afrobeat big band, Antibalas

There’s a new release from Chicago’s “interdisciplinary instrumental music and performance ensemble” – or circus-spectacle alt marching band, Mucca Pazza. It’s a bit proggy (Yes, Weather Report, Rush) and perhaps hard to march to, but “[t]he band spent eight years practicing counting to seven before they were ready to record this piece.” There’s also a new work by Terry Riley for Del Sol String Quartet, “Dark Queen Mantra,” featuring guitarist Gyan Riley. Plus listen to music by Kaki King - arranged for guitar and orchestra from her forthcoming Live At Berklee release.

Listen to music from Eighth Blackbird founding cellist Nick Photinos; it’s a work by Molly Joyce, originally for for baroque cello and pre-recorded electronics, called “Sit and Dance.” Also, there’s music from London-based composer & producer Leah Kardos, which was made using analogue instruments and technologies, from her record, Rococochet.

August & September 2017 New Releases (Special Podcast)
(Similar to Show #4018, airdate: 8/31/2017)   

ARTIST: Jo Berger Myhre & Ólafur Björn Ólafsson
WORK: 1000%, excerpt [1:00]
RECORDING: The Third Script
SOURCE: Hubro Music
INFO: hubromusic.com

ARTIST: Mucca Pazza
WORK: Andy Deitrich: Barbarous Relic [3:30] 
RECORDING: Barbarous Relic
SOURCE/INFO: store.muccapazza.com

ARTIST: Leah Kardos
WORK: Malio Malio [2:35]
RECORDING: Rococochet
SOURCE: Bigo & Twigetti
INFO: bigoandtwigetti.bandcamp.com

ARTIST: Portico Quartet
WORK: Current History [6:07] 
RECORDING: Art In The Age Of Automation
SOURCE: Gondwana Records
INFO: porticoquartet.bandcamp.com

ARTIST: Antibalas
WORK: Gold Rush, excerpt [1:30]
RECORDING: Live on Soundcheck, 9/15/17 
SOURCE: This tune appears on Where the Gods are in Peace
INFO: antibalas.bandcamp.com

ARTIST: Jo Berger Myhre & Ólafur Björn Ólafsson
WORK: 1000%  [6:42]
RECORDING: The Third Script
SOURCE: Hubro Music
INFO: hubromusic.com

ARTIST: Girls in Airports
WORK: King's Birthday [3:28]
SOURCE: Edition Records EDN1097
INFO: girlsinairports.bandcamp.com

ARTIST: Nick Photinos
WORK: Molly Joyce: Sit and Dance [6:34] 
RECORDING: Petits Artefacts
SOURCE: New Amsterdam Records
INFO: newamsterdamrecords.bandcamp.com

ARTIST: Del Sol String Quartet, Gyan Riley
WORK: Terry Riley: III. Dark Queen Mantra [11:49] 
RECORDING: Dark Queen Mantra
SOURCE: Sono Luminus 92215
INFO: delsolquartet.com

ARTIST: Kaki King, Porta Girevole Chamber Orchestra, Gabriela Sofia Gomez Estevez, student conductor
WORK:  Magazine [5:30]
RECORDING: Live At Berklee
SOURCE: BIRN Cooperative Recordings
INFO: smarturl.it/KakiKingLive

Hear prog-marching band music from Chicago's Mucca Pazza, ambient-gothic Norwegian-Icelandic music from the duo Jo Berger Myhre & Ólafur Björn Ólafsson, jazz-tronic ambient minimalism from London's Portico Quartet, and new work from Danish experimental supergroup Girls in Airports.