He’s a boy from a village near Ardahan, a “revolutionary”, then a “terrorist” in the words of the Turkish government, and now an academic -- Dr. Taner Akçam is a leading historian of the Armenian Genocide. After escaping a Turkish prison, and settling in Germany, he began his research on political violence in the late Ottoman Empire and early Republic of Turkey. In 2008, Dr. Akçam was appointed Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University.

To learn more about the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, visit http://armenian.usc.edu.


Akcam, Taner. Killing Orders: Talat Pasha's Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide. Palgrave, 2018.

Akçam Taner, and Kurt Ümit. The Spirit of the Laws: the Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide. Berghahn Books, 2018.

The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012.

Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials, with Vahakn Dadrian. New York: Berghahn Books, 2011.

A Shameful Act: Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility. New York: Metropolitan Books, November 2006.

From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide. London: Zed Books, 2004.